Seahaven Towers

  1. Seahaven Towers Solitaire Free Download
  2. Seahaven Towers Card Game
  3. Seahaven Towers Solitaire
HomeBug Reports
edited November 2014 in Bug Reports

Seahaven Towers Play the Game of the day. If you find a bug, please report it. Seahaven This is Seahaven Towers, a solitaire card game written for X11R4 and C. With this program you can waste great amounts of time. As opposed to the common 'solitare' which is actually Knondike, this game also requires some brain power in order to use it. Seahaven Towers Game Rules. Players: 1 - 7 Goal: Move all the cards into the four foundation piles, arranged into suits from Ace to King. Multiplayer: All players are given the same tableau, and the winner is whoever finishes the game in the fewest moves. Sequences are all of the same suit; The max movable sequence length are 1 + free empty cells. Seahaven Towers solitaire rules (1 deck of cards) Goal: Move out the aces when you can and build them up to king in the same suit. The 4 cells can hold one card each, used to help move cards around. 2 of the cells are dealt a card.

A few questions for the Green Felt Guys- I have been at Seahaven Towers junkie for many years. I play, on average, four games a day. After the game of the day, when I finish a game and the score comes up, it will say something like 'you beat the game, 2 out of 28'. However, it may only show eight top scores and all of them are for that day. I seem to remember that it used to show scores from various dates. Did I imagine this? Also, since I have been playing for so long, is it reasonable to think that I may occasionally run across a game I've already played in the past? Would I then see my user name and score from a previous date?
Lastly, if you know- is it mathematically possible to beat every hand of Towers? More than a fast time, I like the challenge of finishing every game. It sometimes takes me a while, but I am able to beat most games I play. Then there are those that no matter how many times I try, I just can't figure it out. Are there are hands that can't be beat or hands I just can't beat? I've always wondered but my ego was afraid to ask!
I absolutely love Green Felt, I wouldn't change a thing! Thanks so much!!


    After the game of the day, when I finish a game and the score comes up, it will say something like 'you beat the game, 2 out of 28'. However, it may only show eight top scores and all of them are for that day.

    We don't show anonymous scores in the high score table, but we count them in the ranking. I admit that's kind of inconsistent.
    I seem to remember that it used to show scores from various dates. Did I imagine this?
    No, you did not. We changed the way we did this about a year ago. It used to be that we'd search our database for games that other people had played but that you had not. That worked fine until we had so many people that the search started taking too long. It became the number one load on our database.
    So we changed it to the technique you see now: once an hour we choose 'threads' of games that everyone plays. So if you have 2 computers and you go to the site and click 'new game' on each computer, the games that show up will be the same, even though it looks random. That way people playing at about the same time will see games that others have played, so it makes you feel like there are other people on the site.
    The new way is much simpler and doesn't put undue load on the database.
    Also, since I have been playing for so long, is it reasonable to think that I may occasionally run across a game I've already played in the past? Would I then see my user name and score from a previous date?

    You would definitely see your user name and score from the previous date. We use a 32 bit number to represent our shuffles which means we have 4,294,967,295 different shuffles. So you each time you have a 1 in 4 trillion chance at seeing an old game of yours.
    That also explains why we do the 'threads' technique I explained above: even if we have 333 million games in our database (we do), that's still a pretty small chance that you'd happen across a game that anyone else had ever played.
    Lastly, if you know- is it mathematically possible to beat every hand of Towers? More than a fast time, I like the challenge of finishing every game. It sometimes takes me a while, but I am able to beat most games I play. Then there are those that no matter how many times I try, I just can't figure it out. Are there are hands that can't be beat or hands I just can't beat? I've always wondered but my ego was afraid to ask!

    Well, it's unlikely you can finish all the hands we can represent. Say you live to be 100 years old and finish an entire Seahaven game every second of your life, from birth to death (no sleeping, no breaks). That's 100 years × 365 days/year × 24 hours/day × 60 minutes/hour × 60 seconds/minute × 1 game/second: 3,153,600,000 games. That's still 1,141,367,295 games short.
    I absolutely love Green Felt, I wouldn't change a thing! Thanks so much!!
    Thanks so much, we love to hear it!

Seahaven Towers Solitaire Free Download

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A Game for Pocket PC and Palm

Seahaven Towers is a solitaire card game similar to Free Cell.Here is a screenshot :)

The Palm version is black and white only and does not support highresolution. Feel free to update the game if you like...

Seahaven Towers


You can download Seahaven as source or binary. To compile thePalm sources you need the GNU compiler tools: prc-tools, gcc, binuitls,pilrc. These can be downloaded from thePRC-Tools websiteat sourceforge. To compile the Pocket PC sources youneed Embedded Visual C++ 4.0 and Pocket PC 2003 SDK. These can bedownloaded from the Microsoft WebSite for free. Unfortunately they are only available for Windows.



Seahaven Towers Card Game

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.


Thecards are initially dealt out into 10 tableau piles holding 5 cardseach and the remaining two cards are dealt to the reserved cells.There are four reserved cells total, each can hold at most one card.The object of the game is to move all cards to the foundations (at topleft and right) from Ace to King by following suits.

On the tableau piles you can build down from King to Ace followingsuit, the reserved cells can hold any card, but only one. Emptytableau piles may hold kings. You can move the cards only one by one.Only the lowest card from the tableau piles and the cards on reservedcells are available.

The program will do some moves automatically: It will move allcards to the foundations as soon as they get available. It will moveall matching cards from the reserved cells back to the tableau piles.When moving cards from the tableau piles it will move all cards of thecurrent suit as long as there is enough space in the reserved cells.Also you just have to say which card to move, and the program willautomatically determine the destination.

Seahaven Towers Solitaire

If you think you're stuck you can ask for a hint. It will show youthe possible moves or tell you that you're stuck. In the latter caseyou can undo your moves until you can solve it again.